Qr Code Reader is completely free of cost and highly secure. Change your smartphone into a powerful QR Code, Barcode scanning utility. By using the phone's camera, Barcode Scanner will quickly scan and recognize the information of barcode.
Qr Code Reader - DECODE text, urls, ISBN, email, contacts information, calendar events and much more with a click using smartphone camera, online codes. After decoding you will be redirected to webpage links, books review, multimedia and calendar online informations.
*** free Qr code reader & Barcode Scanner application.
To scan QR code or Barcode using camera on your device, simply point your camera to code you wish to scan and Qr Code Reader will automatically detect and scan it. No need to press any buttons or take photos.
Qr code scanner FEATURES:
• CREATE your own QR CODES encoding:Applications, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers,
• Contacts Informations, Bookmark, Clipboard
• Touch-focus camera (requires autofocus)
• Jump directly to WEB ADDRESSES decoded
• History logs and displays of all of your past scans in a list
• Customize how Scan works in Settings
• SHARE your QR CODES through: Email, SOCIAL NETWORKS (Facebook, Twitter, Flipboard, Google Plus), TEXT MESSAGES
Must try android application Qr Code Reader !!
Qr Code Reader sepenuhnya bebas biaya dan sangat aman. Ubah ponsel cerdas Anda menjadi QR Code, utilitas pemindaian barcode yang kuat. Dengan menggunakan kamera ponsel, Pemindai Kode Batang akan dengan cepat memindai dan mengenali informasi kode batang.
Qr Code Reader - DECODE teks, url, ISBN, email, informasi kontak, acara kalender dan banyak lagi dengan klik menggunakan kamera ponsel cerdas, kode online. Setelah decoding Anda akan diarahkan ke tautan halaman web, ulasan buku, informasi multimedia dan kalender online.
*** Pembaca kode Qr gratis & aplikasi Pemindai Kode Batang.
Untuk memindai kode QR atau Barcode menggunakan kamera pada perangkat Anda, cukup arahkan kamera Anda ke kode yang ingin Anda pindai dan Qr Code Reader akan secara otomatis mendeteksi dan memindai itu. Tidak perlu menekan tombol apa pun atau mengambil foto.
FITUR pemindai kode qr:
• KODE QR DAN BARCODES Pindai dan BARCODE cepat dan mudah dari CAMERA
• BUAT pengodean QR CODES Anda sendiri: Aplikasi, Alamat Email, Nomor Telepon,
• Informasi Kontak, Bookmark, Clipboard
• Kamera fokus sentuh (membutuhkan fokus otomatis)
• Langsung ke ALAMAT WEB diterjemahkan
• Log riwayat dan tampilan semua pemindaian masa lalu Anda dalam daftar
• Kustomisasi cara kerja Pindai di Pengaturan
• BERBAGI KODE QR Anda melalui: Email, JARINGAN SOSIAL (Facebook, Twitter, Flipboard, Google Plus), PESAN TEKS
Harus mencoba aplikasi android Qr Code Reader !!
Qr Code Reader is completely free of cost and highly secure. Change your smartphone into a powerful QR Code, Barcode scanning utility. By using the phone's camera, Barcode Scanner will quickly scan and recognize the information of barcode.
Qr Code Reader - DECODE text, urls, ISBN, email, contacts information, calendar events and much more with a click using smartphone camera, online codes. After decoding you will be redirected to webpage links, books review, multimedia and calendar online informations.
*** free Qr code reader & Barcode Scanner application.
To scan QR code or Barcode using camera on your device, simply point your camera to code you wish to scan and Qr Code Reader will automatically detect and scan it. No need to press any buttons or take photos.
Qr code scanner FEATURES:
• CREATE your own QR CODES encoding:Applications, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers,
• Contacts Informations, Bookmark, Clipboard
• Touch-focus camera (requires autofocus)
• Jump directly to WEB ADDRESSES decoded
• History logs and displays of all of your past scans in a list
• Customize how Scan works in Settings
• SHARE your QR CODES through: Email, SOCIAL NETWORKS (Facebook, Twitter, Flipboard, Google Plus), TEXT MESSAGES
Must try android application Qr Code Reader !!